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Browse our articles below, where we provide important tips, resources, and benefits for keeping your family and home safe.

Sunlounger and sun hat on the beach
Ed Jackson

How to keep your home safe when you go on holiday

The school term is almost over and the time has finally come to jet off on your summer holiday! Whether you’re holidaying abroad or hoping to catch the best of the UK summer, it is important to ensure that your home is safe and secure while you’re enjoying yourself, so that you don’t return home to any nasty surprises! Not sure how to protect your home while you’re not living in it? Have no fear, Nest GI are here to help! Lock up, check and check again While it

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Lawrence White

Glossary of insurance terms

Every industry uses a number of unique or technical terms – and insurance is no exception. These are not always easily understood, which can lead to confusion and misunderstandings but we want to help simplify this for you so we’ll take you through some of the common insurance terms and answer common questions like ‘What does policyholder mean?’ and ‘what does insurance mean?’ to make sure you have a full understanding when you come to take out a policy. Let’s get into it! What does insurance mean? Insurance provides

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Common holiday home claims header showing flooded kitchen
Ed Jackson

Most Common Holiday Home Claims and How to Avoid Them

Owning a holiday home can be a fantastic investment. Not only do you no longer need to pay for expensive hotels to visit during the summer, but you can also rent it out whilst you’re not staying there, making you some extra money.  However, it’s not always sunshine and rainbows. In fact, owning a holiday home can be stressful, as things can go wrong whilst you’re not there, leading to costly repairs and insurance claims.  We’ve already spoken about how to keep your holiday home secure, but what about

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Home insurance for exchange of contracts header
Ed Jackson

Home insurance for exchange of contracts

You have received your mortgage offer; this is the confirmation that your lender has approved your application and is happy to lend you the money required to purchase your new home. Congratulations! As a condition of your offer, your lender will require you to have suitable buildings insurance in place. Now is the best time to start to think about getting your insurance sorted. In this article, we are going to run through everything you need to know about home insurance when buying your first home, moving house, or

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James Taylor

Can I get insurance as an overseas landlord?

If you live overseas and own a property in the UK, you might be worried about whether or not you can get insurance. Many insurers will decline to offer cover to landlords who reside outside of the UK, however, Nest GI are here to help! In this article, we are going to explain what overseas landlord insurance is, what it covers and things to consider before taking out a policy. What is expat landlord insurance? Expat landlord insurance is a specialist, non-standard form of landlord insurance, catering specifically to

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What's the connection between climate change and home insurance?
Ed Jackson

Climate change and home insurance: What’s the connection?

Storms Henk, Isha and Jocelyn have already caused havoc across the UK in 2024 and the effects of climate change are at the forefront of people’s minds, now more than ever.  Other than disruption to public transport and the seemingly never ending rainfall being hot topics of conversation (pardon the pun), the effects of flooding, highwinds and rainfall are having huge impacts on homes and businesses. Have you ever thought about the connection between climate change and your insurance? If not, we’re here to inform you on how the

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